our story

obstacles become opportunities.

how it started.

My name is Kassidy, and I am the founder of krescent. I have lived with the relentless challenges of food allergies since I was diagnosed with 14 of them at the tender age of one. While I’ve outgrown four of my allergies, the remaining ten continue to shape my daily life in ways that most people cannot comprehend. Each stage of my journey has presented its own unique set of obstacles, but nothing quite compares to the overwhelming struggle I faced when I entered college. The 20-minute walk to the dining hall, coupled with its restricted hours of operation, forced me to meticulously plan my classes and daily schedule around the basic necessity of eating. Social events became a source of anxiety and isolation, as I had to prioritize my health over the simple joys of sharing a meal with friends.


All this despite attending one of the few universities in the U.S. that actually has a dedicated, allergen-friendly dining hall on campus, too.


It was through these personal experiences that I made a choice: to transform my obstacles into an opportunity for change. I refused to accept that students should have to compromise their college experience due to the constant fear and stress surrounding their food allergies.


krescent was born from this determination–a beacon of hope for college students who deserve convenient, safe, and delicious meals without sacrificing their academic and social pursuits. My story is a testament to the power of resilience and the potential for transforming adversity into a catalyst for positive change. Together, we can redefine what it means to thrive with food allergies and create a world where no student must choose between their health and their dreams.

perspective changes lives.

thoughts by tina

Imagine being the mom of a six-month-old who rejects everything she eats, plagued by vomiting and digestive discomfort. You start doubting yourself, thinking, “I must not be good at this!” You try homemade baby food and spend $12 a day on non-dairy protein hydrolysate formula, hoping for relief. You read all the books and try just about everything, but by age one, there’s no improvement. Your once-happy baby struggles with every meal, leaving you feeling helpless.


Desperate, you advocate for allergy testing. At age one, Kassidy is diagnosed with 14 life-threatening food allergies, a shock since no one in the family has food allergies or intolerances. Reading labels became a sport in a time when labeling mandates were non-existent. I became her voice, her advocate, her shield against hidden allergens in everything from soap to playdough, lip gloss and more. Each stage of Kassidy’s life with food allergies has presented new fears and challenges. Simple things like oranges at lax games, sleepovers, travel and so much more!


Grateful for the support of those who embraced our food obstacles, I became known as the mom who hosted food tastings and creative events to help other kids appreciate the differences in Kassidy’s food, turning experiences into lessons. We had more lunchboxes than we had shoes as they were our constant companions.


I’m proud to be Kassidy’s Mom. I wish every day that she didn’t have life threatening allergies, but I feel so much power and strength in knowing we can change the world one meal at a time. I hope that many families resonate with our mission and find comfort and excitement in what krescent brings to the table.

thoughts by lance

I don’t have food allergies, so I don’t know what it’s like to experience them firsthand, but I do know what it’s like when someone you care deeply about experiences them.


My awareness of the importance of food allergy safety was profoundly heightened during a family vacation with my best friend’s daughter, Kassidy. Despite Disney’s stellar reputation for allergy safety, during breakfast aboard a Disney cruise, Kassidy experienced a sudden anaphylactic reaction after unknowingly consuming real eggs. This harrowing experience underscored the constant vigilance required to protect those with food allergies, even in safe environments. Witnessing Kassidy’s distress and the immediate response needed to save her life was a turning point for me.


This pivotal moment inspires me to see krescent become a reality, enabling college-aged students like her to navigate their dietary restrictions safely and confidently. So when we say “eat safely” and “live freely,” these words are more than a catchy marketing phrase; it’s a mission statement that we will see through!

"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them."

— Maya Angelou